So.. how do you explain this to the voting public? The justice system up to the Supreme Court has already been undermined, gamed. ... as the vote itself has been the focus of a long project to game it in favor of the extreme TrumpMAGAproject 2025. The GOP has been taken over. The Democrats play by the rules depending on a system that is corrupted across.

This representative constitutional democracy does not have to work because it has worked. Playing by the rules, the justice system built respect for precedents, precedents build up over years. This has meaning. This is how we built this country from its beginning to today using the justice system and the law passed in Congress and by the Executive.

The Congress is blocked from making laws that we need. And now we are teeter-tottering towards the horror of an Executive that has immunity for its actions essentially that would be run by an insurrectionist and his novice ideologue.

The idea of this country was that the people can govern themselves and for all in it. This is an experiment. Time and again we have come through. This time we really must. We need both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

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How to explain it? Not with abstractions like "democracy" or "justice" but with specifics. Project 2025 is a gift from the gods, even if it seems to come from the netherworld. Let's wield it well.

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How do you wield it and avoid talking about democracy and justice and this experiment? History. It depends on how you talk and to whom you talk. This morning I am backing away from the specifics and feeling that this whole situation is awesome. How did we get here? On every front, and I have been noticing, this army gathering of ill intentioned has been at work. And now we find ourselves here.. I am at times feeling this is overwhelming. I read despair in some comments and admire those who work hard in their way. But the numbers in the polls are astonishing, the projection is, with Biden, we are going to lose. And lose to THIS! I like to feel positive, I work on that, but this morning, after the last few days I need to step back and ask....how did we get here?

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I could work myself into a state of rage about the people who didn't realize "democracy" was in trouble until Trump was elected. These people -- the ones I know, anyway -- tend to be white and middle-class-and-up. They're also the ones going on (and on and on) about "Save our democracy." Avoid polls and projections. Get out there and talk to real people about real issues.

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This comment, with all due respect sounds, flippant. Who is going to get out there? Have a serious convo in a work situation?to your neighbors next door? In the burbs at the supermarket? you have to KNOW how to talk and KNOw what you are talking about. You need an opening. At a party? Can you casually say Project 2025 without encountering perhaps the opposing propaganda? And then you are IN. Do you want to get into arguments? Do you know how to avoid them? OR stand on a corner with a sign in 90degree weather. Elderly, infirm, with kids to tend to, in traffic. My gratitude to those who do. In a city situation- maybe, where one's circle is most likely like minded.

This needs a fire of incentive coming from the top down.

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Sorry, I'm having a hard time taking your comment seriously. I and people I know have been having such conversations with neighbors, family members, co-workers, total strangers for years and decades. NOTHING comes from the top down unless those of us at the bottom have done the ground work. No matter where you are, there must be people doing the work. Be willing to find them!

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PS. I have had many such conversations... and still do with friends and family.. but they are like minded, commiseration. I convince no-one ultimately of what they don't already know or believe. I have stopped talking to my cousin it got so heated. I dismissed someone we hired to work here because he talked about Trump and it was very offensive. These are no big deal and have not changed things one bit. We stopped discussing similarly with others because they had their heads filled with propaganda and lies.

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"No matter where you are, there must be people doing the work. Be willing to find them!"

Find them and do what? I do know someone here well REALLY doing the work...more broadly than you say you are. She's terrific.. with "Force Multiplier"

I'm done here.

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Same here.. I had a hard time with "get out there and talk to real people". It's almost insulting. Or it is. You have no idea. You cannot accept that people don't live the life that you do? Can you accept that it's hard to get out there and have such conversations?

The impetus comes from the top down when it comes to deciding about leadership, vision, and the actual ability to bring it about. That is what sends people out usually. Now it is anxiety and fear about what is coming.

A LOT comes from the top down. I have lived long enough to know various presidencies and the enthusiasm and confidence that leaders can bring, or not. I agree and appreciate immensely the ground work that people like you do, those who can do, but everyone cannot do this. And being condescending about those of us, like myself who may have done our "ground work" in the past and cannot now is off putting. We give and have given donations, regularly for instance for many years supporting candidates. We are on the same side. Everyone does what they can, when they can, if they can, and should not be put on the defensive. It does not help.

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The polls are not to be avoided. “Get out there….” Is helpful maybe … Who is able willing and where?

I do look at projections. Biden is not turning things around and is not campaigning well. He can’t. The needle is not moving. We need s big win. It’s not gonna happen at this rate.

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I am thinking about what you say above... if democracy is an abstraction, if justice is an abstraction, then maybe this is the problem.. that it's an abstraction to too many. Maybe people have forgotten or never knew the basis of why we are here, why we came here and enjoy, or have enjoyed, the benefits we have had of relative peace and (through) tolerance. This is due to our foundational purpose: to do better than what was before, to build, keep building for the good, for the many. The common good we have is based on Christian values, values that have been corrupted and perverted. I am not Christian.. and this is not about religion but values that have permeated to our secular space from its founding. When you talk about Project 2025, we should refer to that... go deep.

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This is a revealing quote, Potter: "Playing by the rules, the justice system built respect for precedents, precedents build up over years. This has meaning. This is how we built this country from its beginning to today using the justice system and the law passed in Congress and by the executive." The problem is that the justice system hasn't been playing by the rules in one

overriding area. All of its officials are required to uphold the U.S. Constitution by submitting to the rules of conduct of the legal profession. They haven't. It is standard operating practice for them to gang up on targeted defendants in extrajudicial publicity by colluding with the news media. In the classified document case they did it again in leaks to incriminate the defendant. Worse, they covered it up by hanging the judicial ruling on the technicality of the special counsel appointment.

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" It is standard operating practice for them to gang up on targeted defendants in extrajudicial publicity by colluding with the news media.In the classified document case they did it again in leaks to incriminate the defendant. Worse, they covered it up by hanging the judicial ruling on the technicality of the special counsel appointment. "

I don't understand what you are saying or you you are blaming. Who's the "they'?

This case needed to go to trial!!! Hopefully it will however late. The constant delaying by the partisan allied judge is corruption.

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Thanks for replying, Potter. The “they” is comprised of Jack Smith and his assistants who illicitly approved of the leaking of incriminating information against Trump along with the FBI who did the leaking. And it extended to all the justice officials who oversaw Smith, including the state bar association who allowed him to participate in this professional misconduct. This type of thing has been going on for 61 years and counting.

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specifically what are you referring to... please remind me

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Thanks, Potter. It is all documented in the rules of professional conduct, denoting the duties of the prosecutor, the state bar association and the judges of the judiciary that oversee both. All of this is documented in The Runnymede Report's first newsletter. It also includes a diagram that lays out the duty hierarchy. It is extremely revelatory. You can access it online at Substack.

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Apparently you do not like special prosecutors. This is what your substack appears to be about. So you sent me to it looking for your specific accusation about Jack Smith OR some general info about SP's that you have made some judgement about with regard to Smith. My separate search turns up nothing regarding your accusation.

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Please send me the link to yours. Your opinion and assessment of rules that were ostensibly broken or leaks?

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I had totally forgot Calvinball. It is the perfect metaphor. And not just for this, but for the alternative universe that the rethuglican party lives. Calvinball applies to the choice of J. D. Vance as the VP pick. He hates TFG, until he doesn’t.

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A nation of rules and laws no more.

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This is a great summary statement, Operation Plowshare: "A nation of rules and laws no more."

The judiciary is no different from any American. All Americans are subject to rules and laws so

why would they think that they don't have rules to regulate their conduct. They do and they have intentionally abandoned them. It has been going on for 61 years and it shows no signs of slowing down. Not leaving anything to chance they did it again with the classified documents case. The rules expressly say that none of the justice officials, especially the prosecutor, cannot

comment or leak about a case or use the FBI to day the same. Yet, all justice officials approved of it by not condemning it and calling for the disbarment of Jack Smith for doing it. One need only see The Runnymede Report's "The Federal Protection Racket" to see how deep this corruptions. Cannon's ruling on the Special Counsel Appointment regulation is a coverup to this corruption.

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Voting is not only important so certain candidates win office and others don't, but it's important because the President nominates certain judges and the Senate confirms them. Some judges are appointed and some are elected. Voter turnout in the US is poor, for a variety of reasons such as voter suppression laws, gerrymandered districts, voter intimidation, transportation, time off work, child care, etc. You should follow Marc Elias at Democracy Docket to see the countless lawsuits filed by Republicans that make it harder to vote. Voting lawsuits are filed at the local level so trial judges are also important. In order to live in a democracy you not only have to fight against those who want to toss it all out the window, you also have to participate. I know I'm talking to the choir, but we also have to work on increasing registration and actual voting. We have to improve voter turnout. Republicans want to take away ballot boxes, mail in voting, early voting and they want to stop college students from registering and voting.

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As Benjamin Franklin so famously said, "A Republic -- if you can keep it." That's been true for 237 years and counting. We the people have managed to come through, sort of, most of the time. We will this time too -- but maybe this time we won't slide back into complacency once the danger has passed? Because the danger, of a wealthy minority trying to impose its will on the rest of us, will never pass completely. They will not give up. We can't either.

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Your point is most appropriate. It is that "Republic --if you can keep it." Yes, a Republic can only function if the citizenry is informed about what is happening. Yet, the citizenry thinks, until shown otherwise, that the judiciary is not subject to discipline for violating its rules of conduct as Judge Cannon did here. Nor does it think, until shown otherwise, that the wrongdoer prosecutor can be taken out of the law business in losing his license to practice law if he

violates the rules of conduct. Both happened here. The public needs to catch on to what is happening!

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Since many voters either aren’t paying attention, are one-issue voters, vote as per instructions from their religious leader, think “both sides are equally bad”, or that the courts were already against them, I fear that this won’t even register. I’m doing all I can to help Dems over the finish line, but even there Repubs have found a way to divide (hopefully not conquer) Dems by deriding Biden over his age. Thank Heaven for Substack & posts such as this. 🤞

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1970's dicta bad. Clarence Thomas dicta good. Much legalish mind, this one.

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The inability of Congress to properly act on questions like this is at the core of just how wrong Cannon is in her decision. And her own fealty to Trump should have caused her to recuse herself from this case. She takes a cue from her buddies Thomas and Alito. We are in serious trouble if Grump is elected. Our democracy is at stake. Our freedoms are too. Vote Blue.

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The most distressing aspect of this situation, besides the TOTAL disregard for precedent, is that no matter how we vote on 11/5, a significant part of the judicial system can essentially ignore the vote of the people and continue to shield the orange shitstain from accountability. But at least we chance keep him eligible for that accountability.

The blue vote has to be overwhelming to allow us to start the repair of the courts to make it again a source of equal justice under the law and not a rubber stamp for MAGA and the federalists.

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Why do they think this shit is not going to come back and bite them?

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Although it does lend the impression of writing in a harried, out of breath fashion - and no wonder!!!!! 🤬

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One boo boo - “and she’s writing this for an audience of precisely on person,” so you can fix it for future readers ☺️

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I hate that I'm doing this, but I'm starting to wonder if Trump has something on Cannon (other than promising her a SCOTUS spot). Her opinions are just so, so very legally questionable, and it's never hidden that she's doing it for him.

Also, where's everyone's ire about David Weiss, Hunter Biden's special counsel? Or Robert Hur, for President Biden?

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Hi Runny... I have checked far into this enough on my own to nor see any such issues with re Smith. If you cannot say here what your specific issue is, I cannot engage more on this. Smith seems excellent and under extremely difficult circumstances.

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Of course the statement in the Nixon case wasn't even dicta. It wasn't the holding, because appointment wasn't the issue on appeal. But it was a necessary part of the holding because: no authority, no subpoena. This is the same reasoning the DC Circuit used fairly recently on the same issue.

She IS of course correct that her ruling only applies to this case. Because she's a freakin' DISTRICT court judge. No precedential value to anything any of the District Courts say. She makes it sound like she is being "oh so careful."

I wish we could find out how close she came to failing the bar exam.

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