Excellent piece. One nitpick: Kiev is the Russian spelling. Kyiv is the Ukrainian spelling. Language matters, even in the face of Russian kompromat.

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Thanks. "Kyiv" has been our style but I missed that while editing. It's fixed now.

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It was recently that Rand Paul was standing on the floor of the Senate saying Kiev, Kiev, Kiev over and over in his speech. Definitely intentional! 😡

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When will there be consequences for the congressmen and senators who shared this Russian disinformation and pushed it into American discourse?

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No consequences. Just like there hasn’t been for many years of lying. Republicans can announce what they want; say what they want; and do what they want, without a hint of shame and without worry that they’ll be voted out or arrested. Joe Biden would NEVER take a bribe. Thats obvious from his entire history. And that these reprehensible people can claim otherwise - and, naturally proven untrue - be allowed to continue to “govern” is the opposite of OK. We are broken.

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There might be consequences because all they do is lie, so at some point they are going to be caught and tried. I call them them all sheep of Q-T = Quadruple-T(Treacherous-treasonous-traitor-Trump!) Let them bleat their lies, baa, baa, baa, as they follow him over the cliff.

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Where’s the bumper sticker:

Trump - Putin 2024?

Or is it Putin - Trump?

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Thanks for this excellent timeline regarding the attempt by GOP members to smear President Biden in their efforts to elect their flawed candidate. In some other articles about this Russian interference, the roles of Rudy Giuliani and US Attorney General Bill Barr have been downplayed or omitted. This omission appears to be an attempt to whitewash the interference in the Trump administration by the Russians.

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When are consequences coming for Scott Brady, former US Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Trump shill, and all-time Putin Puppet?

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“Brady also made the patently false claim that he’d vetted Smirnov’s travel documents and found that they corroborated his allegations” was this under oath? If so that’s grounds for disbarment of this tool……of Putin

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The Republican position seems to me that though they don't have the evidence the stories must be true. OK. That means that even though there is no actual evidence that the Republicans are lizard people, they surely must be.

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Excellent layperson's summary of Emptywheel's more detailed descriptions of this fiasco. Love your writing here and on wonkette!

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Leaves one speechless.


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Russian scented smoke up all their asses. They keep breathing in more like some contact high. I swear, these Rs are truly RED.

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