“Hur’s inclusion of his thoughts about Trump’s cognition was wholly unnecessary to conclude that there was insufficient evidence to show Biden intended to break the laws.” Do you mean, Hur’s thoughts about Biden’s cognition?

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Thanks -- fixed that

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This report won’t cost Biden a single vote.

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It’s really more reinforcement I think for voters who want to support Trump or a third party candidate.

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I imagine so. Third party candidates helped deliver a win for Trump in 2016. People need to think long and hard.

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Anyone that is " thinking" about voting for a third party candidate isn't " thinking."

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I think you’re spot on, I also think that there is far more awareness now of the effects of third party candidates and their de facto support for Trump then there was in 2016. That should augur towards a more favorable result for Biden but I don’t know.

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I think you are right. Biden’s got this. Not the first time he’s been under-estimated.

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Very on-point piece. As another commenter mentioned, the one big difference between L'Affaire Hur and the Comey Email Debacle is timing: Comey's final blow hit less than 2 weeks before Election Day 2016, while we're still many months out from Election Day 2024. Biden still has plenty of future opportunities to clearly and publicly rebut the knocks on his cognition, which he can do simply by demonstrating his sharpness while delivering major addresses such as the State of the Union.

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Thanks Michael

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Dems keep offering the proverbial olive branch and Republicans use it to whip the Democrats.

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Dems are stupid that way. And stupidly insist on remaining so.

It’s going to cost them. It’s going to cost ll of us.

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The ABC poll yesterday saw something like a 20% jump in voters who view Trump as too old to be president, never mind dangerous. Look, the Hur report was a smug hit piece and an audition for another Trump term but I would much rather have this report now than in October when the self-righteous Comey decided to take his moral high ground and plunge the nation into darkness. Biden’s approval and his percentages against Trump have been declining since October but Trump hasn’t really gained, it’s that undecideds have expanded. Will enough of these voters come home to Biden? I hope so, I would give Biden slightly favorable odds, but I wouldn’t bet my house on it.

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The foolishness of the American public cannot be discounted. But lousy MSM compared to the journalists of 20 or 30 years ago when news was actually digested with some impact on critical thinking, I would agree with you on people coming to their senses and voting for Biden.

So if the middle, or independent voter, if there is such a thing is vasilating by 20% perhaps the 24 hour news cycle, social media, etc is the constant noise that keeps the voter, undecided.

To think the obvious that Donald Trump should be anyone 's rational choice for president after the comments he made about Russia & NATO last Saturday or wait, the actions he took to support Putin in Helsinki when HE WAS president-that yes, we would think would be enough to make a hit job report by a special counsel on Biden obvious to all as more political manipulattions. And that it would be self evident to all by now. If only. That Biden's age is reported by WaPo & the NYT by 33 and 30 stories in one month vs crickets on Trump's gafs at 4 and 3 stories, respectively and then repeated all day on cable news, wouldn't it be great if that undecided 20% could tune it out, see it for what it is a power play. But that is where we are and I sure hope we can survive it.

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Seriously, we’re not gonna get any support from the MSM to protect our democracy this year.

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Amen. We are on our own. No soup for you! And no 4th estate, either.


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Exactly right!


Thank you!

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I have complained to the NYT about their shitty coverage of the election and how unbalanced it is, and how they have nothing to say about our sitting president but that people have a right to be afraid of oldness in Biden. The NYT is apparently too cheap to hire good editors, so I have some 10-year old looking chump named Aidan Gardiner (https://www.aidangardiner.com/about) telling me that he works for an independent press (so clearly he is not old enough to know the meaning of the word independent), and that he thinks the American people have a right to be concerned about Biden's age. So, he is both ageist and racist, because since Biden has a vice president who will step into his place if something happens to him and she will run the country with 4+ years experience as a vice president, there is a backup. However, Mr. ageist, racist, sexist Aiden Gardiner apparently believes that Harris is not going to be a better president than Trump would be, otherwise, why should we be worried about Biden's age. So, I can imagine where he grew up. In whitey-white-white world just like Donald Trump. New School and Urban Studies my ass! I could tell from reading his response to me, which does not address my concerns at all, that he was too young to be making decisions about how to cover an election of national and global importance. I have participated in many more than he has, and this coverage is lacking in insight and depth. So many of these social media using young people internalize that being old is bad. My mom, who is 90, says the alternative is worse. Old people have good reason to be afraid of these superficial youth who will vote to get rid of social security, because they don't think they will need it. So glad my about to turn 19-year old daughter is not scared of people being old. She is scared of the whole country being depressed again like they were when Trump was president and which many people have not come out of. How could one? Trump is running the House of Representatives by proxy through the sheep that he has catering to his every wish. It is sickening, and so, so dystopian. Trump is a lunatic and rather than stand up to him the entire Republican Party is pretending that the Emperor is wearing clothing. Well he is not! They are all going naked too, and we can see right through their outfits as well. We fought a revolution so that we would not be ruled by a King. It might do the Republicans some good to remember that.

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Nicely said Linda! And thanks for sharing your rebuttal from NYT 'Jr. Editorial response. Right from the school student newspaper to the actual NYT, go figure! ( snark)

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"But perhaps no mainstream media publication handled this as poorly as the New York Times, which used the report's language to whip up an absolute frenzy over Biden’s cognition, running four separate pieces on the same day, all fretting about Biden’s ability to keep governing."

This is dangerous and delinquent, as most Americans only cursorily glance at the headlines, but don't read all the details, as in the full report,


or even summaries of it, as in this justsecurity.org report:


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And criminal and probably conspiratorial, no doubt.

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Is it racist that I imagined Hur as an older white guy?

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I think he is Asian and rather young looking. But most certainly has bought the Republican cool-aid and drank every ambitious and career building drop, apparently.

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Yeah, his parents are South Korean and he's 51.

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Plenty of time for "promotion" but old enough to know that that weak tea of a report would never fly for a solid attorney worthy of acumen and respect of the majority, not the minority of his peers.

Weirdest times, ever?!

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It really is. Now I understand why "may you live in interesting times" is more of a curse than a blessing.

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I would say it is more ageist than racist. He clearly is not old, and White is not a race, it is a color, one that no one who is not on deaths door does not have for a skin color by the way. Most people are somewhere on the brown scale. From very light, to very dark. https://onartandaesthetics.com/2018/12/05/changing-the-conversation-on-race-angelica-dass-reveals-our-pantone-shades-in-humanae/

If you want to call the very light shades white, so be it. In this picture Hur is not a very dark brown. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/12/politics/house-republicans-robert-hur/index.html

I just call him a Republican, and that clarifies who he is.

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Alrighty then.

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