Democrats are far too nice. They are adhering to norms that no longer exist. The way to deal with Cruz and Graham is to cut them off. Tell them if they can’t be civil they can forfeit the right to speak.

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It was disappointing to see. The smearing of the judge in such a historic event! They had 2 plays. Align her with being soft on child porn or badgering her about how the last judicial hearing went. The Republicans have shown they are weak minded, low moral, racist, hypocrites. I have no respect for the party and I have decided while in kookville AZ, I don't want to speak to the people who support Trump and Trumpism. They have attempted to roll back abortion rights, they sound like they will consider affirmative action, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, etc. Where is the common ground when even down to Christianity or religious beliefs,I don't know what god they align with. I don't see anything Christian about being racist or depriving someone of their liberties. And let's not forget the mask and education issues and banning books. I'm so done with them

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I’m exhausted too… it’s been a lonnnng grind since 2016 :/ So here’s my suggestion for the WH - (and I am dead serious): “If WE can bring down the deficit this year, by 1Trillion - per projections… can Joe take the entire country out for ice cream?”…🍦🇺🇸 - asking for a (70’s kid @heart) FRIEND.

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