Yet another excellent piece, Stephen. I really enjoy this forum.
The media would rather whine about Democrats "who don't understand journalism because their job is not to trumpet accomplishments of Biden Administration/Democratic Party". What is stopping them from broadcasting/printing transcripts of what he actually said? Wouldn't that c…
Yet another excellent piece, Stephen. I really enjoy this forum.
The media would rather whine about Democrats "who don't understand journalism because their job is not to trumpet accomplishments of Biden Administration/Democratic Party". What is stopping them from broadcasting/printing transcripts of what he actually said? Wouldn't that come under umbrella of "reporting facts"? They sure spend a lot of time prettifying his prose. I wish a media critic would present those facts to them.
Yet another excellent piece, Stephen. I really enjoy this forum.
The media would rather whine about Democrats "who don't understand journalism because their job is not to trumpet accomplishments of Biden Administration/Democratic Party". What is stopping them from broadcasting/printing transcripts of what he actually said? Wouldn't that come under umbrella of "reporting facts"? They sure spend a lot of time prettifying his prose. I wish a media critic would present those facts to them.