“MAGA cultists might consider Trump the second coming, but many swing voters hold a more reasonable, if still inaccurate view: Yes, Trump’s a jerk, but he knows how to fix the economy. The reality is that Trump’s both a bigoted creep and a total buffoon who can barely string a coherent sentence together on policy.”

I Agree on one point: Trump’s a jerk, and that’s the least of his problems. I watched the NY Economic Forum question and answers. Trump proved he has no understanding on how trade works. The idea that countries pay the tariffs is laughable on its face. The importers (US companies) pay the tariff and pass it along to the US consumer; it’s a federal sales tax meant to reduce sales of foreign products to protect US companies. Tariffs impede growth, they do not spur growth.

They are also used as leverage against countries that practice unfair trade policies in their own countries (against foreign competition), like China does when it steals US intellectual property. Remember when Trump imposed a 50% tariff on Chinese imports and China retaliated by destroying our $50 billion a year agricultural export industry to China? We are still subsidizing agriculture to the tune of $60 billion a year (second largest bailout in US history), thanks to Trump’s reckless actions against China.

That said, watching the audience clap after Trump delivered his unhinged mixed word salad had to be the epitome of a “Emperor has no clothes” moment. Trump made no sense and sounded like a petulant five year old, whose dog ate his homework. He said so much, while saying nothing; all at the same time. And none of it was true or even remotely accurate or coherent.

I dropped my subscription to the NYT’s because they are a useless news organization that fears losing access to republicans, as it did when covering for Bush during the Run up to the Iraq War. They treat republicans (liars) with deference, while ripping apart democrats for far less.

Bottom line: Good riddance!…:)

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Fact remains they are influential and often cited. Many read it or the reverberations from this paper. I won't end my subscription because I don't like the news, the way it is reported, the headlines and the general hesitancy to be bold with the alarming truth. In this particular case many are opting to quit the NYT: that they do both sides and have two different standards ( Trump, Biden) it seems and because of their craven fears ( which they defend). No there is too much else in this paper, more than can be written here, that is important and good. It's infuriating I agree. You could accuse the others, rightfully, as well. The result and the alternative is to stay in channels and bubbles and be surprised about how things really go.

This was good, but it should have been bold headlines. If you can get it:


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🙏🙏🙏, this is sooo much to the point. It seems that Public Notice is one of the few news outlets that are good at pointing the finger at the obvious - whereas the remaining MSM just ignores the danger of DJT. This type of journalism is much appreciated.

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Thank you Helen!

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Just in case you're looking, Nicolle Wallace's show on MSNBC skewers Trump for nearly the whole two hours every day.

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The Scream comes to mind: witnessing mainstream media sell democracy down the river. “Sanewashing” is unforgivable.

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This from the NYTimes' Peter Baker:


which is good but it should be bold headlines.

re this:

"Mr. Trump lately has come to explain his speaking style as “the weave,” suggesting that he is masterfully bringing together multiple seemingly unrelated topics into genius oratory. “I’ll talk about like nine different things, and they all come back brilliantly together,” he said last month."

What Trump is actually doing ( and has been doing) masterfully is performing and covering over himself. People invested in him buy it.

As well, he lulls people in a self serving sing song trance that for some, no doubt, is mesmerizing.

It's very hard for people so invested to see and admit the truth. They know better, particularly those in power and surprisingly some that have reputations for a modicum of integrity. They use that reputation and spend it on Trump and lose it.. Examples bigtime: Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley

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“The Emperor wears no clothes”! This a famous tale; the little boy said this in the crowd as the naked Emperor went by. The Emperor is obviously naked but nobody sees that. They keep cheering him. Where is the media loud enough that makes people open their eyes? Do they not care? Are we marching off the cliff mesmerized by this Pied Piper? ( another tale). Double standards are at work. Fear too, foolish dangerous fears about being biased when it’s about telling the truth. We have come to this point where we get to know not about fascism but whether our system works, our democracy.

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Very well done and to the point. Legacy media has fallen into a lazy trap that in some ways mirrors the devolution of Republican politicians. By relying on a plug-and-play formula that requires little thought and old formulas, journalists have been inadequately prepared to report the story of our time, the rise of a reactionary authoritarian movement as America draws closer to the promises of pluralism. There is an arrogance to that method and it harms people who are not initiated or in circles that allow them to read between the lines of superficial reporting.

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"Mainstream news outlets struggle to cover Trump appropriately because if they do, his manifest unfitness would result in them coming across as biased for Harris." IMHO this is what they would like you to believe. In reality, Corporate Media (specifically CEO's and owners) actively want Trump to win. He gives them the media circus that feeds their bottom line. And they want what he promises. His (their) authoritarian policies of tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, anti-union, anti immigrant rights etc. are tailor made for them.

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I am starting to think that the mainstream media is owned by billionaires who share Trump’s anti-Democratic philosophy.

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At Tuesday's debate Harris demonstrated that she can levitate, meaning that she can walk on water. But, as many members of the press wrote: why is she so intent on showing Trump's inadequacies; is this a Black or Asian "thing" or can anyone do this; is Harris trying to intimidate white voters; did this violate the debate rules about no lifts; why hasn't Harris demonstrated this ability before - is this a flip-flop; how does levitating solve the US economic problems. There was then a very loud, collective sigh from all women.

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I see what you did here, you tapped into the MSM darkside and foretelling the real bias in their treatment of tonight’s debate.

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Great newsletter. I know that they say his brand of crazy is baked in OR he's just bluster. After he says something 20 times is that enough to start believing it is true. Anxious about the debate - hopeful that Trump will look and sound unhinged and the press will report it (but also doubtful that will happen). With the NY Economic Forum - do all the attendees just want another tax cut so they sit back and take his nonsense errors.? Crazy!

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I hope the media are reading these accurate critiques on their coverage. Many authors of sub stacks are writing the same things and it is amazing the media is not changing their ways of normalizing the right. Very scary and very sad. They do not help democracy at all. I pray for Harris' success in tonight's performance. 'Debate' is an inaccurate word to use when the one contestant is allowed to lie the entire time.

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VP Harris could be forced to only use a refrigerator poetry kit to answer her debate questions, and she'd still make more sense than the orange lunatic.

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"Well, we just hit record highs at numbers that nobody ever thought possible. You’re right, over $2 trillion."

What is Trump talking about here; anyone know? He's not in power, so how did this "just" happen, and I don't know who "we" is!

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Conveniently forgetting the debt he added. Wasn't that 8 trillion? I kept getting postcards here in NC about all of the great things TFG did in office. They said savings went up - it was due to the COVID $$ that was given out. Needed $$, but not true increased savings.

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Yet another excellent piece, Stephen. I really enjoy this forum.

The media would rather whine about Democrats "who don't understand journalism because their job is not to trumpet accomplishments of Biden Administration/Democratic Party". What is stopping them from broadcasting/printing transcripts of what he actually said? Wouldn't that come under umbrella of "reporting facts"? They sure spend a lot of time prettifying his prose. I wish a media critic would present those facts to them.

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Why did no one at the Economic Club of New York say (even if they had to have tears in their eyes and call Trump 'sir'), why did no one stand up and say "Do you really not know that tariffs don't work that way?" Instead, the guy that asked the question on the fiscal deficit his question included the phrase 'increased revenues from tariffs'. Do THEY not know how tariffs work either??

I said a long time ago that we need a Family Feud style of fact-checking in real time. A big red X needs to appear on the screen every single time he says something that is not true. During debates, speeches, rallies, interviews. everything. If networks need to hire fact-checkers to cover his lies by topic, then that's what they need to do.

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It is surprising (but is it?) that the media hasn't figured out how to handle the constant lies from Trump. Hopefully Harris/Walz will be in the WH and we can soon forget DJT exists.


YOU...yes, you Aaron Rupar were namechecked by Molly Jong-Fast on Ayman Sunday night AND sort of in the chyron last night on The Last Word. GO Aaron!!!!


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And your word is used here....https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/no-you-racist-morons-immigrants-arent

"how did the press react? they sanewashed the fuck out of that shit."

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